Wednesday, December 23, 2009

About Video

First day on the video domain-of-expertise - The old professor ruminates on times gone by, when video as an art form was still something new to introduce to his students. He merged video with his printmaking world and, therefore, today, as he designs a videogame for printmaking, video is part of it. 905 Words. vi091223. ©2009 Bill Ritchie. Full text by email request:

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Clockwork Press

Secret of the Plasteel - It was late in the day when it came to light there was a secret clockwork in the Plasteel press. Not a clockwork as such, but obviously inspired by that book, Longitude, the story of the mariner’s wooden clockwork. Turn the wheel, and ghosts came to life. 803 Words. vi091128. ©2009 Bill Ritchie. Full text by email request:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Everything I Needed to Know I Learned After College

Reflecting on a golden era - He didn’t think about it until now, but what he learned in college reached its pull date at the onset of the age of digital reproduction. The older age of mechanical reproduction was the stock basis of his college education, so he had to return to school. 1106 Words. vi091019. ©2009 Bill Ritchie. Full text by email request:

Monday, June 1, 2009

Ted Fun

Searching for reasons to cooperate using Ted - The author takes the directive from a co-operative co-worker and visits TED the first time. In searching for lecures on cooperation, he finds Clay Shirky and extracts key phrases that fit his own need to answer the question posed yesterday: Why Cooperate? 1330 Words. ©2009 Bill Ritchie. vi090601. Full text by email request:

Friday, May 22, 2009

Killing Harris

Harris Sweed disappears on Two Dog Island - Pursuiing a video game backstory, Harris Sweed sees himself disappearing into the plot of the tale itself. Ten protagonists of the “Hunt for the Emeralda Treasure” conspire to digest him, as it were, like feasting cannibals. Harris’ role merges in theirs. ©2009 Bill Ritchie 1145 Words. Full text by email request: